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L&J wedding card

Graphic Design
L&J wedding card

The design of L&J wedding card focus on the concept of eternity. The stone was pecked to expose gold and natural minerals which is rare and precious after time refines. Those pecten and paring leaves fossils on the stones symbolize everlasting love.

Irregular particles and roughness surface on gray recycled thick paper was used to simulating the texture of stone. By using the embossing effect, several hollows and grains on the paper just like the weathered rock. Gold and laser stamping effect shows the image of minerals and gold. Texts on the card was semi-cutoff by the stone, it’s old and unclear through the time passing.
The design shows two different texture in contrast, metallic luster and roughness rock, that could caused visual impact when receiving L&J’s wedding card.
Thank you for your watch.
L&J wedding card

L&J wedding card

L&J wedding card 以永恆為主軸,將婚卡設計為岩石中鑿開顯露出經時間淬煉象徵珍貴的黃金與礦石,在岩石部分增添貝類與成對之葉片化石,象徵兩人珍貴的愛情以及期許天長地久。 紙張部分選用了本身有不規則白點特性的原生卡灰色來仿造岩石,並以打凹方式作出岩石風化之凹洞與紋理,結合燙亮 Read More
